About Us

Alexander I. Poltorak
YdeaLab was founded by Alexander Poltorak, Ph.D.
Alex Poltorak also serves as Chairman and CEO of a patent licensing firm, General Patent Corporation.
Dr. Poltorak recently served as an Adjunct Professor of Physics at The City College of New York. He is a Research Fellow at the Institute for Ultrafast Spectroscopy and Lasers at CUNY.
In the past, Alex Poltorak was a cofounder, President and CEO of Rapitech Systems, Inc., a NASDAQ-listed computer technology company. He served as Assistant Professor of Physics at Touro College and Assistant Professor of Biomathematics at the Neurology Dep. of Cornell University Medical College. He taught as a guest-lecturer at Columbia University Business School and the School of Engineering. Alex Poltorak holds a Ph.D.-equivalent degree in theoretical physics.
Alex Poltorak has co-authored two books, Essentials of Intellectual Property (John Wiley & Sons Publishers, Inc., 2d ed. 2011), and Essentials of Licensing Intellectual Property (John Wiley & Sons Publishers, Inc., 2004), and contributed a chapter to Making Innovation Pay – Turning IP into Shareholder Value (John Wiley & Sons Publishers, Inc., 2006). He published a number of research papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Alex is a prolific inventor with more than 50 patents to his name. He was US Co-chair of a subcommittee of the US-USSR Trade and Economic Counsel.